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BP Series – GlycoNZ
Auckland, New Zealand

BP Series

Glycoconjugates for Glycobiology

Biotinylated Polymeric Probes

PAA is poly[N-(2-hydroxyethyl)acrylamide], used as a high molecular weight carrier, has low non-specific sorption and it is stable to chemical and proteolytic action.

The affinity of the probes is 102 – 105 times higher than that of the corresponding free sugars.

HOCH2CH2NH3+-salts for acidic sugars

Spacer-arm is normally –(CH2)3-, spacer arm for biotin is –(CH2)6-.

The flexible polymer chain behaves as an additional spacer.

Mr approx. 30kDa

Content: saccharide 20% mol., biotin 5% mol.

Purity: synthetic ω-aminoalkyl glycosides used for coupling with the polymer have a purity >95% (HPLC and 1H-NMR)

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